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Why paint stainless? • If what you need is a number with a baked enamel finish it can be more economical to build a large hollow channel stainless number than to cut it out of a thick sheet of aluminum: at 24” high for example, a 1” thick digit cut from solid aluminum is more than 3 times the price of the same size in hollow stainless. • When comparing the carbon footprints of various manufacturing options, channel stainless comes out well ahead of other more “material removal” based methods like flat-cut aluminum. This is through the use of thinner gage material that is built up to provide the look of heavier volumes, without being a solid mass. (See also our aluminum page for references to “custom cast” aluminum, our greenest aluminum product which performs a similar trick, producing a hollow end result).
From the front and sides, our Hollow Channel Stainless Address Numbers (and letters) are visually indistinguishable from solid stainless. See the two main stainless finishes (Satin or Polished) on the right. On the left, the number 2 is executed in our Satin finish. (FYI: The font is NeoMetro2 at 4” high and 1” deep). If you live near the coast, we would highly recommend our 316 marine grade stainless. If your home's exterior flavour profile does not suit a silver metal like stainless consider our painted options, or, see our page featuring Aluminum Numbers in a variety of painted or anodized finishes. Send us a quote request - using the (ballpark) Price Calculator on this page -- and we'll send you a dimensioned drawing and a price quote with shipping included. If you have any additional comments, questions or requests, enter them in the "Comments” text area of the form. For instance if there's a font you're interested in, a bigger size you want (we can quote numbers up to 48” tall and 6” thick) or a material or finish you've seen in our gallery (below) but can't find it listed here, let us know. All orders come with installation hardware (3/16” threaded studs with spacer tubes to float the numbers out 1/2” from the wall) and a full scale drilling template for secure blind¹ fastening. 1 no screws or hardware visible on the front or edges  
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CANADA: 204-480-8832
UNITED STATES: 727-388-6918

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Price Calculator
Hollow Stainless
Digits and/or Letters
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* Price may vary based on Other, above
Ttl Pcs PRICE including SHIPPING**
**Ground for Provs|Extra for Terr.
Prov/Terr Postal Code AreaCode
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28"H x 3"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin Dark Bronze Titanium-clad | NeoMetro1 10"H X 1.5"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin | NeoMetro1 6"H X 3/4"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin | Engravers Gothic 10"H X 1"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin | Serpentine Med Oblique 6"H X 1.5"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin 316 Marine Grade | Zar Casual 22"H x 2.5"D | Hollow Stainless - Satin | NeoMetro1 7" H x 1" D | Hollow Stainless - Satin | Cheltenham 6"H x 1"D | Hollow Stainless 316 - Satin | Gill Sans 4"h x 1/2"d | Stainless type 316 Marine Grade - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface Med 4"h x 1/2"d | Stainless type 316 Marine Grade - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface 14"h x 2"d | Stainless type 316 Marine Grade - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface 14"h x 2"d | Stainless type 316 Marine Grade - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface 36"H X 3"D | Hollow Stainless w/finished backs - Satin 316 Marine Grade | Neutraface 36"H X 3"D | Hollow Stainless w/finished backs - Satin 316 Marine Grade | Neutraface 8"H x 3/4"D | Stainless type 316 - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Avant Garde Book 4"H x 1"D | Stainless type 304 - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface Med 5"H x 1"D | Stainless type 304 - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | AJBayer L-5 MNF 12"H x 2"D | Stainless type 304 - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Serpentine Med Oblique 10"H x 1.5"D | Stainless type 304 - Hollow Channel - Baked Enamel, Dark Oxide | Neutraface 12"h x 1/2"d | Stainless type 304 - Hollow Channel - #4 Satin | Neutraface Light, customized 7"H x 3/4"D | Hollow Stainless - #4 Satin | Neutraface
For additional font options, visit myfonts.com where you can search by stylistic references such as modern, sans serif, wide, bold and more.